Your Go-To Self-Care Checklist for a Happier, Healthier You
Tips for a Successful and Renewed Back-to-School Year
From late nights to sleeping in, eating s'mores by the firepit to eating popcicles, the long summer days can throw you off your routine leaving you, well, exhausted from vacations. No wonder they say you need a vacation from your vacation. And as the kids head back-to-school to start a new routine, you, too, can renew your self-care routine for the year. With the start of a new school year, you have the opportunity to have a fresh new schedule dedicated to yourself. Because we believe you can also enjoy that new book you’ve been putting off or writing in that journal you’ve just got. You see, a new school year isn’t just for the kids, us parents can also live with enthusiasm at the start of something great. So, how do you get the family and yourself back to a healthy routine? First things first, you must establish your checklist. Without a checklist, let’s face it, the house goes insane!
Come Back to Yourself
Your moment-to-moment experience is what grounds you and re-centers your well-being. With the hecticness of life and all of summer’s activities, your body and mind can take a toll. This is where routines and well-planned schedules come in to simplify your life allowing you to focus on mindful experiences.
We’ve taken inspo from teachers and developed our very own back-to-school checklist. It’s fairly simple and the best part is you don’t have to wait in line for supplies!
You know when you are on a plane and the safety video comes on to explain, if there should ever be a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks pop down and you should always put them on first before attending to others? How many times do you actually take care of yourself first and then help your family? Let’s be honest, more times than not, we end up doing the opposite. So, this is your chance to really put into practice your honest-to-goodness “me time.” This is the moment where you put everything and everyone aside to pamper yourself. Because with all of life's unfolding, we tend to leave ourselves for last and before we know it it’s 11 o’clock at night and beyond exhausted.
One way to find your way back to yourself is to let go of the unhealthy need to please everyone around you. We slowly but surely drift away from ourselves as we undertake all the many roles we play each day. So fall in love with pampering yourself. Put on that face mask and renew the fragile tissue around your eyes with a revitalizing cream. Journal your thoughts or even read some poetry to nurture your soul.
We came across a great poet @yogateapoetry and her poem titled “You’ll Come Back to Yourself;” here we share with you a fragment that captures the essence of true self care.
“i am just yearning
for a quiet place
where I can sink
into the layers
of my being”
Your Go-To Checklist for a Happier, Healthier You
Give yourself permission to take a break, nourish your body, set boundaries, give yourself a massage, read a new book, give a mindful hug and even write down what you are grateful for are some of many great self-care things you can do for yourself.
For instance, we live Continuously More Parfait (CMP) by applying our standard skincare routine. When we cleanse, moisturize and protect our skin we are intentionally extending our youthful appearance. This pampering allows us to reconnect with our skin and really feel it breathe. We recommend you focus on your well-being every day with these simple ideas:
- Getting a good night’s sleep helps prevent sickness. Yes, it’s no lie, you actually get sick less often when you allow your body to rest properly. That means a good 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep will improve your learning, creativity, decision-making as well as maintain a healthy weight.
- Box Breathe. This is a powerful, yet very simple relaxation technique. Did you know Navy SEALs use this technique to aid in their high-stressful situations? Hey, if it helps them, it will definitely help you! It’s also known as square breathing and it consists of mentally drawing a box in your head as you breathe in. So, all you need to do is take a moment at any time of the day and breathe in counting to four slowly, then hold your breath for four seconds, slowly release the air through your mouth and finally repeat everything until you feel this mindfulness technique aid you with overall wellness.
- Pamper Your Skin. We’ve mentioned our go-to standard skincare routine, CMP and we also make sure that we give this time to ourselves as a way to connect with our skin. You see, our skin is the largest organ in our body and many times we take for granted how it holds us together every day. Allow your skin to replenish and don’t forget to treat each corner even under your eyes. For this, we love to use our Advanced Deep Renewal Essential Set for a guaranteed revitalizing and fortifying treatment.
- In order to have youthful looking skin you need to treat it from the inside out. This means that you need to give your body enough H2O to radiate from within. Grab your favorite bottle and drink your water.
- Enjoy Spending Time with Yourself. You know, for some people, this may be something different. Actually, mastering the art of alone time is not to be confused with feeling lonely. Being alone with yourself can be very enjoyable, so go ahead and have that coffee date with yourself!
- Practice Journaling. We have thousands of thoughts going through our brains every day and one way to release them is to write down how we feel. Each thought can be packed with insightful ideas helping us prioritize and also increasing our brain development and memory.
- Get Your Body Moving. Moving our bodies with purpose releases endorphins that help relieve stress. It’s also a great way to strengthen the connections we have with our bodies. Our bodies are designed to move so incorporating even 15 minutes of movement in your day will go a long way.
You’ll find that our La Parfait community is filled with people who love to nurture themselves. At La Parfait Cosmetics we create a space and products to help you achieve your best self because we believe that every person deserves to shine.
❝ Let your beauty shine from the inside out ❞ |